Branching and Merging

A few months ago, we started developing a new product that was a major extension of an existing product. While we may have been able to keep one codeline that supported both the old product and the new product, many factors led us to decide to branch the codeline. I have continued to maintain the old codeline for existing deployments, while I and a group of others have worked on the new codeline.

In the new codeline, we have tried to correct many of our past sins. The original product was developed under a tight deadline with vague requirements and insufficient testing, and the codeline reflects that. The new codeline has some significant architectural changes in addition to having the new features.

I have been trying to keep things in sync between old and new. When we find and fix a bug in one codeline, or when a feature change is made that is desirable for both codelines, I merge that change into the other. This was easy at first, but as the underlying architectures diverge, it has become more difficult.

One problem is that we are using SourceSafe, and I can't find any good features for assisting in analyzing the differences between branches to intelligently decide what needs to be merged and what does not. At the level of individual files, branches can be merged, but I can't find an easy way to get a report of all changed for all files in both codelines and to merge individual sets of changes. (Maybe SS has better features, but I can't find them.) So we have had an informal manual process, which relies on other people telling me about things that have to be merged, and on my having time to do the merge.

This situation sucks, so what I decided to do about it was to write some Python scripts to help me. The first script I've written just compares the files in two directories, and writes diff files to a third directory. My hope was that this would give me a list of a dozen or so non-matching files, and I could spend the weekend getting everything back in shape. I'd then just run the script every few days to find new changes.

Unfortunately, when I ran the script, I found that the number of non-matching files was 135. Each codeline also has a few dozen files that are unique (that is, not corresponding to a file in the other project). Clearly, this is going to take more than a weekend.

I'm not sure exactly what I should have done to prevent things from getting so bad. Obviously, having one person (myself) be the only person working on synchronization between the codelines was a problem. Not having automated unit tests is another factor, because without such tests, it is dangerous to have changes merged back and forth without a lot of analysis. A better version-control tool would have helped, particularly one that supports merging an identifiable set of related changes to multiple files rather than forcing an all-or-nothing merge of all changes on a file-by-file basis.

Ultimately the core problem is that our original codeline had to be thrown together hastily, leading to code that is difficult to adapt to our new requirements while still meeting the old requirements. So I can blame management for not giving us sufficient time. Unfortunately, management isn't going to fix my problem for me, so I'll be working this weekend.

(For another story about branching/merging issues, I recommend the story of Mac Word 6.0.)

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