
  1. Measuring Elapsed Time in C# Methods

    When determining why some damned thing in my .NET programs is taking so damned long, it is useful to be able to look at the elapsed time for various sections of code. The straightforward way to do this is to create an instance of System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch, start it, do …

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  2. Deserializing Objects from XML in C#

    Here's another C# code snippet that takes me way too much time to recreate by just reading the documentation.

    This is a simple example of a class that can be serialized to/from XML. In this case the "ServerConfig" XML string can contain a list of servers, looking like this …

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  3. Pretty-formatting XML in C#

    I had a need to convert an XML string to a nice, indented format. It was a little more complicated than I expected, so I'm posting this snippet here where I can find it again when I need it.

    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml …

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